Dr Krista McLennan

BSc(Hons), MSc, PhD, MRSB, SFHEA, PGCTHLE; Head of School for Natural Sciences and Senior lecturer in Animal Behaviour and Welfare

First post - making a website

August 06, 2021

I started my website back in August of 2021 on the advice of a mentor. I had wanted to get my profile out there more and wanted to start to collaborate with others, so making a website might make it easier to find me.

Setting it up was so much easier than I thought it would be and I wish I had done it a logn time ago. Doing something making your own webpage seems daunting at first - I was particularly great at coding (I can do it for stats but not much more) and so I thought "well how am I going to do this". Owlstown made this do easy for me, and I love how easy it is to edit. Remembering to keep it updated is another matter.

I am hoping to try and write a blog post each week. I'm not sure on what yet, but I have a few ideas in mind such as a review of a paper, a blog on my own research or perhaps some commentary about what is happening in the news. As a researcher as well as a Head of School this may be a mix between animal behaviour and welfare, to leadership and management in HE.

Watch this space to see how I get on.


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