Journal Articles
McLennan, K. M., (2024) Pain in Sheep. Animal Behaviour and Welfare Cases. January 2024,
Venier, F., Jamont, W., McLennan, K., and Rosa, C. (2022) Intra- and inter-operator variability of refractometric total proteins measurement of canine plasma. Journal of South African Veterinary Association. 93(2), 176-178
Harley, J.J.; Stack, J.D.; Braid, H.; McLennan, K.M.; Stanley, C.R. Evaluation of the Feasibility, Reliability, and Repeatability of Welfare Indicators in Free-Roaming Horses: A Pilot Study. Animals 2021, 11, 1981.
Harley, J.J.; Stack, J.D.; Braid, H.; McLennan, K.M.; Stanley, C.R. Evaluation of the Feasibility, Reliability, and Repeatability of Welfare Indicators in Free-Roaming Horses: A Pilot Study. Animals 2021, 11, 1981.
Pessanha, F., McLennan, K.M., Mahmoud, M. (2020) Towards automatic monitoring of disease progression in sheep: A hierarchical model for sheep facial expressions analysis from video. In: IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Buenos Aires, May 2020
McLennan, K.M., Miller, A. L., Dalla Costa, E., Stucke, D., Corke, M.J., Broom, D.M., and Leach, M.C. (2019)Conceptual and methodological issues relating to pain assessment in mammals: the development and utilisation of pain facial expression scales. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 217, 1-15,
McLennan, K.M. (2019). The importance of practical research. Animal Sentience, 25(31) DOI: 10.51291/2377-7478.1477
McLennan, K.M. (2019). The importance of practical research. Animal Sentience, 25(31) DOI: 10.51291/2377-7478.1477
McLennan, K.M., and Mahmoud, M. (2019) Development of an automated pain facial expression detection system for sheep (Ovis aries). Animals, 9, 196
McLennan, K.M. (2018) Why Pain is Still a Welfare Issue for Farm Animals, and How Facial Expression Could be the Answer. Agriculture, 8(8), 127,
McLennan, K.M., Rebelo, C.J.R., Corke, M.J, Holmes, M.A., Leach, M.C., and Constantino-Casas, F., (2016) Corrigendum to “Development of a facial expression scale using footrot and mastitis as models of pain in sheep”. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. Vol 179; 105-107
McLennan, K.M., Rebelo, C.J.R., Corke, M.J, Holmes, M.A., Leach, M.C., and Constantino-Casas, F., (2016) Development of a facial expression scale using footrot and mastitis as models of pain in sheep. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. Vol 176; 19-25
McLennan, K. M., Skillings, E.A., Rebelo, C. J. B., Corke, M.J., Pires Moreira, M.A., Morton, A. J., and Constantino-Casas, F. (2015). Technical note: Validation of an automatic recording system to assess behavioural activity level in sheep (Ovis aries). Small Ruminant Research. Vol 127, pp. 92-96
Corke, M.J., McLennan, K.M., Rebelo, C.J.R., Constantino-Casas, F. (2014). Assessment of Pain in Sheep. Proceedings of the Sheep Veterinary Society, Vol 38, pp. 7-12
Corke, M.J., McLennan, K.M., Rebelo, C.J.R., Constantino-Casas, F. (Jan 2014). Assessment of Pain in Farm Animals. Goat Veterinary Society Journal. 30; 60-68.
McLennan, K. M., (2012). Farmyard Friends. The Biologist, 59(4) p. 18-22
Conference proceedings
McLennan, K.M., (2021). Facial Expression in French Bulldogs: A Preliminary Study. In: Proceedings for the 54thCongress of ISAE, Developing animal behaviour and welfare: Real solutions for real problems. Online congress, 2nd – 6th August 2021, P. 44
McLennan, K.M., (2021). Automated Detection of Facial Expression in Sheep as an Early Indicator of Disease. In: Proceedings for the 54th Congress of ISAE, Developing animal behaviour and welfare: Real solutions for real problems. Online congress, 2nd – 6th August 2021, P. 153
McLennan, K.M., (2021). Using Technology in the Sheep Industry. Animal Welfare Research Network (AWRN) 6thAnnual meeting, 15th July 2021. Online.
McLennan, K.M., and Leach, M.C. (2017). Using Facial Expression to Assess Emotional State. In: Proceedings for UFAW International Animal Welfare Science Symposium, Measuring Animal Welfare and Applying Scientific Advances: Why Is It Still So Difficult? Royal Holloway, University of London, Surrey, UK. 27th – 29th June 2017. P.73
McLennan, K.M., Corke, M.J., and Constantino-Casas, F. (2017). Biomarkers of pain – separating pain from inflammation. In: Proceedings for UFAW International Animal Welfare Science Symposium, Measuring Animal Welfare and Applying Scientific Advances: Why Is It Still So Difficult? Royal Holloway, University of London, Surrey, UK. 27th – 29th June 2017. P.144
McLennan, K. M. Rebelo, C. J. B., Corke, M., Holmes, M., and Constantino-Casas, F. (2015). Behavioural and pain biomarkers of sheep with footrot and mastitis. In: Proceedings for the Final conference for Animal Welfare Indicators project, Brussels
McLennan, K. M. Rebelo, C. J. B., Corke, M., Holmes, M., and Constantino-Casas, F. (2014). The development of a facial grimace score in adult sheep. In: Proceedings of the Regional Meeting of the International Society of Applied Ethology, UK / Eire
McLennan, K. M. Rebelo, C. J. B., Corke, M., Holmes, M., and Constantino-Casas, F. (2014). The facial expression of sheep with footrot and its relationship with lameness, total lesion score and faecal cortisol. In: Proceedings of the 48th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology P111
McLennan, K. M. Rebelo, C. J. B., Corke, M., Holmes, M., and Constantino-Casas, F. (2014). Facial expression as a pain indicator in sheep. In: Proceedings for the 3rd Annual conference for Animal Welfare Indicators project, Prague P25
McLennan, K. M. Rebelo, C. J. B., Corke, M., Holmes, M., and Constantino-Casas, F. (2014). Facial expression as a pain indicator in small ruminants. In: Proceedings for the 3rd Annual conference for Animal Welfare Indicators project, Prague. P10
Rebelo, C. J. B., McLennan, K. M., Corke, M., Holmes, M., and Constantino-Casas, F (2014). Indicators of pain in sheep suffering from pregnancy Toxaemia. In: Proceedings for the 3rd Annual conference for Animal Welfare Indicators project, Prague P27
Fritha Langford, Jill MacKay, Carol Thompson, Adroaldo J Zanella, Pericles Varella Gomes, Donald M Broom, Bjarne O Braastad, Judit Vas, Andreia De Paula Vieira, Murray J Corke, Carlos J Rebelo, Krista M McLennan. (2014).Digital learning materials on assessing pain and disease in sheep In: Proceedings for the 3rd Annual conference for Animal Welfare Indicators project, Prague P.55
Rebelo, C. J. B., McLennan, K. M., Corke, M.J, Holmes, M.A, and Constantino-Casas, F (2014). Thermography as a pain-indicator in sheep: footrot as an example. In: Proceedings for the 3rd Annual conference for Animal Welfare Indicators project, Prague P11
Rebelo, C. J. B.; McLennan, K. M.; Corke, M.J.; Broom, D. M.; and Constantino-Casas, F. (2014). Preliminary observations of pain indicators in sheep with pregnancy toxaemia In: Proceedings for the XXVIII World Buiatrics Congress, Cairns, Australia, 158. Eight Mile Plains Qld: Australian Cattle Veterinarians. (Abstr.).
Rebelo, C. J. B., Ajuda, I. G., McLennan, K. M., Lima, M.S., Stilwell, G., Corke, M.J., and Constantino-Casas, F. (2014). Pregnancy toxaemia in small ruminants - how does it develop in sheep and goats In: Proceedings for the XXVIII World Buiatrics Congress, Cairns, Australia, 140. Eight Mile Plains Qld: Australian Cattle Veterinarians. (Abstr.).
McLennan, K. M., Littlemore, J., McCormick, W., (2014). The effects of a dynamic group system on the social bonds of dairy cattle. In: Proceedings of Recent advances in animal welfare science IV, UFAW Animal Welfare Conference, York. P17
McLennan, K. M., Rebelo, C. J. B., Corke, M., Holmes, M., and Constantino-Casas, F., (2013). Preliminary observations of pain indicators in sheep with footrot. 2nd Annual Conference, Animal Welfare Indicators Project, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
Rebelo, C. J., McLennan, K.M., Corke, M., Holmes, M., and Constantino-Casas, F., (2013). Clinical efficacy of tulathromycin administration in sheep with foot rot – preliminary results. 17th International symposium and 9thInternational Conference on Lameness in Ruminants 2013, Bristol, UK.
Rebelo, C. J. B., McLennan, K. M., Corke, M., Holmes, M., and Constantino-Casas, F., (2013). Indicators of pain in sheep with mastitis. 2nd Annual Conference, Animal Welfare Indicators Project, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
Rebelo, C. J. B., McLennan, K. M., Corke, M., Holmes, M., and Constantino-Casas, F., (2013). Indicators of pain in sheep with mastitis. 9th International Veterinary Behaviour Meeting, Portugal
McLennan, K. M., Rebelo, C. J. B., Corke, M., Holmes, M., and Constantino-Casas, F. (2013). Preliminary observations of pain indicators in sheep with footrot. 9th International Veterinary Behaviour Meeting, Portugal
McLennan, K.M., Littlemore, J., McCormick, W., (2012). The Effects of Short-Term Separation on Physiological Parameters of Dairy Cattle: Heart Rate Versus Cortisol. In: Proceedings of the Regional Meeting of the International Society of Applied Ethology, UK / Eire
McLennan, K. M., Littlemore, J., McCormick, W., (2012). Husbandry Practices in Large Dynamic Dairy Herds: The Effects of Social Support. In: Proceedings of SET for BRITAIN, Biological and Biomedical Sciences Exhibition, House of Commons.
McLennan, K. M., (2011). The Cardiac responses of cattle when isolated either with or without their preferred partner. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Research Degree Student & Early Career Researcher, Annual Research Conference 2011, The University of Northampton.
McLennan, K. M., Stewart, C., Meredith, J., (2010). Social Bonds in Dairy Cattle – Preliminary Observations. In: Proceedings of the Regional Meeting of the International Society of Applied Ethology, UK / Eire
McLennan, K. M., (2008). Aggressive behaviour of the domestic donkey (Equus asinus): Is it related to gender, age or ranking position? In: Proceedings of the UFAW Animal Welfare Conference, Recent advances in animal welfare science, Birmingham Council House, 3rd July 2008
McLennan, K. M., (2008). Social Bonds in Dairy Cattle: Effects of dynamic group systems on welfare and productivity. In: Proceedings of the Third Student Animal Welfare Conference, Writtle College.
Book chapters
McLennan, K.M., and Chapman, S. (2024). Pain in mammals; physiology, management and assessment. Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior. 3rd Edition. Elsevier.
Mahmoud, M., Lu, Y., Hou, X., McLennan, K., Robinson, P. (2018). Estimation of Pain in Sheep Using Computer Vision. In: Moore, R.J. (ed). Handbook of Pain and Palliative Care. 2nd Ed. Springer Nature GB, Chum, Switzerland P.145-157
Chapman, S.J. and McLennan, K.M. (2018). Chapter Eight: Handling and Restraint of Horses and Donkeys. In: Chapman, S.J. (ed). Safe Handling and Restraint of Animals: A Comprehensive Guide. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, West Sussex, UK.
McLennan, K.M., and Chapman, S.J. (2018). Chapter Nine: Handling and Restraint of Cattle. In: Chapman, S.J. (ed). Safe Handling and Restraint of Animals: A Comprehensive Guide. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, West Sussex, UK.
McLennan, K.M., and Chapman, S.J. (2018). Chapter Ten: Handling and Restraint of Small Ruminants. In: Chapman, S.J. (ed). Safe Handling and Restraint of Animals: A Comprehensive Guide. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, West Sussex, UK.
McLennan, K.M., and Chapman, S.J. (2018). Chapter Eleven: Handling and Restraint of Pigs. In: Chapman, S.J. (ed). Safe Handling and Restraint of Animals: A Comprehensive Guide. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, West Sussex, UK.
McLennan, K.M., and Chapman, S.J. (2018). Chapter Twelve: Handling and Restraint of South American Camelids. In: Chapman, S.J. (ed). Safe Handling and Restraint of Animals: A Comprehensive Guide. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, West Sussex, UK.
Invited talks
McLennan, K.M., (2021) Facial Expression and Emotional State. Cross fertilization between neuroscience and Animal Welfare workshop. Sponsored by Universities Federation of Animal Welfare and the Animal Welfare Research Network, 14th-16th June 2021
McLennan, K.M., (2021) Facial expression in sheep: Potential to be more than a welfare assessment tool. Laboratory Animal Science Association (LASA). 25th May. Online, hosted by Moredun Research Institute
McLennan, K.M., (2020) Developing an automated system to detect facial expression of pain in sheep. Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences seminar series, Aberystwyth University
McLennan, K.M., (2019) Full day workshop on welfare assessment of sheep using facial expression. Moredun Research Institute, Edinburgh.
McLennan, K.M., (2017) How do we measure animal welfare? Liverpool University Veterinary Group seminar series. University of Liverpool, UK
McLennan, K.M., and Leach, M.C. (2017). Utiliser l’expression faciale pour évaluer l’état émotionnel. In: Proceedings of Afstal 43e Colloque, Éthologie en Expérimentation Animale, Lyon, France, 7-9 Juin 2017
McLennan, K. M., (2013). Social Bonds in Dairy Cattle: The effect of dynamic group systems on Welfare and productivity, Centre for Animal Welfare and Anthrozoology Seminars, University of Cambridge.
McLennan, K. M., (2011). Effects of Having a Preferred Partner Present on the Heart Rate of Heifers During Short-Term Social Isolation. Centre for Animal Welfare and Anthrozoology Seminars, University of Cambridge.
Industry Collaborations
McLennan, K.M., (2017). Recognising, assessing and alleviating pain in sheep. Farm Animal Well Being Series Booklet, Boehringer Ingelheim.